Sister Nina Novena O Kink
Us in Kind
Sister Emeritus
What is your full Sister Name: Sister Nina Novena O Kink Us in Kind
Big Sisters/Sponsor: Sister Loosy
Positions Held: Sister Emeritus
Sin or Virtue: Kindness
Favorite color: Scarlet
Facebook: @SinSitySisters
Instagram: @SinSitySisters
Date of birth: Somewhere between Bruce Lee and Naomi Watts
Hometown: Chicago, IL
What is your occupation: Social Services for Kiddos.
Religious beliefs: Altar Boy Foundation with Taoist Dreams.
Date you joined the order: February 2009
Date you became Fully Professed: April 2010
I believe I have the calling because: This Nun was born, not made. It’s in my nature.
Major Projects: Aging gracefully, yet staying offbeat.
My experiences in the community: Are great, challenging, and worthwhile.
My goal as a Sin Sity Sister of Perpetual Indulgence: Provide a little Hardline Kindness.
Rules by which I live: Love. Laugh. Help someone else. Watch old movies.